Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Tuesday: Sweet Time With Jesus

Mercy is Rewarding

Proverbs 11:17
The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.

The nature of God is that of mercy. The bible describes Him as, “full of compassion” in Psalm 145:8. In spite of how disobedient and rebellious this world has been, the bible still says; “The earth, O LORD, is full of thy mercy, teach me thy statutes” (Psalm 119:64). God’s standard is what all men must strive to live by, anything contrary to this principle will only attract trouble.

You must do everything to be a blessing to people, whether they are in your house, your colleagues at work, clients and customers. You cannot be cruel to people and not be rewarded with evil.

It is wickedness to trouble your own flesh, your loved ones and people who have chosen to relate with you. And what has God promised to the wicked? “.... the light of the wicked shall be put out, and the spark of his fire shall not shine” (Job 18:5). When he needs direction most, it will be denied him. But if you demonstrate the divine nature of compassion, you will attract good from everywhere. The Bible says; “.... you help yourself” when you show mercy to others.

Compassion and mercy will reward you with favour from God. You must forgive those who hurt you. No matter what they’ve done to you. God has forgiven you more. Your eternity is connected to your life of mercy. Be merciful, God is waiting to reward the merciful.

Prayer : Lord thank you for your word to me, I receive grace to forgive my offenders in Jesus name ....

Amen !!!

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