Friday, 20 February 2015

Friday: Sweet Time With Jesus

There is a Place for your 

Exodus 33:21And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock

Beloved, your purpose at a particular time is tied to a particular place, where you are can either destroy your destiny or help it flourish.

Jesus ministry was tied to key places. He refused to be just anywhere, at any time. It mattered to Him that he should be in the right place at the right time. In John 4:3-4, the bible said concerning Jesus, “He left Judea and departed again unto Galilee. And He must needs go through samaria”. This implies that Jesus walked with a keen sense of discernment concerning the places He should be at each particular moment.

Jesus knew that divine purpose and seasons of flourishing are tied to being in the right places at the right times. You too must realize this and be sensitive to the changing seasons of your life.

Right from Adam, the first man, God always picked and prepare the right place before bringing the right person. In Genesis 2:8, the Bibles says “And the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom he had formed”

God did not usher Adam into the scene until the right place for him was prepared. Could it be that this is the reason why there is a seeming delay in your life? That you are ready for where God wants you to be does not mean that the place is ready for you . The God that prepared you for the place must also prepare the place for you. God called Abraham to go to a land that He (God) would show him(Genesis 12:1). He was to be shown the land in the future. He could not take delivery of his promised possession because the place was not yet ready. He faithfully and patiently pressed on in pursuit of God, looking not just for any place, anywhere, but for the prepared place(Hebrews 11:10). Wait patiently as God prepares your place.

Prayer: Lord, don’t let me settle in the wrong place. I receive grace to wait for my prepared place in Jesus name...

Amen !!!

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