Friday, 13 February 2015

10 Romantic Words You Should Say To Your Lover This Valentine

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, you’re probably in the middle of making reservations or thinking of buying that perfect gift. All of which is great, but please don’t forget the romance and the passion that should also accompany the chocolates and roses.


For most married couples, it’s so easy to get caught up in the routine of Valentine’s Day. Of course dinner and gifts are wonderful, but intimacy is what every marriage needs a lot more of. As your V-Day starts to wind down, don’t forget to add some spice to the conclusion of the evening, or heck, even in the middle of the evening. Being spontaneous with the intimacy in your marriage, is a must! Here are a few sexy phrases that need to be said to your spouse at some point this Valentine’s Day.

1. “Can I undress you, like right now!”
Don’t be inhibited by where you are, say it anyway. There’s no bigger turn on than a spouse who takes control when it comes to intimacy. This phrase is also a wonderful reminder of how much you desire your spouse. Who doesn’t want to feel desired?

2. “How do you want me tonight?”
Words can be one of the best aphrodisiacs ever. This phrase will allow your partner to imagine you unclad, in lingerie, lying across the bed, in the tub or in the shower, the options become endless. Now you’ve put something on their mind. Believe me, they won’t even be able to focus on the rest of the date.

3. “My body is all yours tonight, do with it what you please.”
Giving your spouse creative control over you is so sexy. You have to trust them and be vulnerable. But do be open! Allowing your partner to do the the work makes the moment even that much more sexy.

4. “Baby, I want to kiss you in 75 different spots on your body, when can I begin?”
Just watch how quick your spouse will be trying to get you back home

5. “Can we make love anywhere but the bedroom tonight?”
Again, the goal is to get away from routine. If the bedroom is your usual spot for intimacy, find a new one for Valentine’s Day and other days in between.

6. “You are just so damn sexy!”
Saying things like, you look good are okay, but most individuals would rather be told how sexy they are, especially by their spouse.

7. “I downloaded an app with 150 different s*xual positions, how many can we try tonight?”
The bedroom can get boring sometimes. Bringing new ideas to the bedroom, and actually talking about them, will turn your spouse on!

8. “I don’t think I can wait to get back home to have you!”
Hey, when the urge calls, answer it. Be open minded. Some great love has been made in the back of some vehicles, for those couples who just couldn’t make it home.

9. “Let’s just skip the dinner reservations and have each other!”
Yasss! This is simple, just skip dinner and dig into to your spouse

10. “Yes, I will be having dessert, but just not from here”.
When the server at the restaurant ask if you want dessert, look right at your partner and say “Yes, I will be having dessert, but just not from here”. Don’t be ashamed to let other people hear or see how attracted you are to your spouse.

Marriage and romance are sexy. Couples, you must maintain that excitement for wanting to be intimate with your spouse. This Valentine’s Day, don’t be afraid to talk dirty (and yes be dirty) with/to your spouse. Your relationship will thank you for it.

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