Saturday, 10 January 2015

5 Things Every Nigerian Woman Wants From Her Man

Treating a woman well requires a combination of common courtesy and uncommon acts. Evolutionary biologists and psychologists who study human mating strategies have found that women everywhere generally agree on the important characteristics they want in their men. Here are the top five things women say they want from men:
1. Word of Affirmation
A woman wants to be re-assured every day, that she is loved and adored, and she needs his words and intimacy as proof. The list of favourite things a woman wants to hear includes, “I love you,” said in as many ways as possible, such as “You’re beautiful,” “You cooked a wonderful meal,” “You did that well,” or an unexpected phone call to say “he’s thinking of her”. Showing appreciation of anything a woman does in the home can also be seen as an expression of love, and love implies a man will share his resources with her. In most divorce cases, women regularly say that men take them for granted and never show appreciation for their efforts in the home. This is because a man feels that his efforts of being the main bread-winner is sufficient proof of his appreciation and love. A man’s brain is organized to measure his self-worth and contribution by what he does or achieves, not by what he says or feels while that of a woman is organized for language skills than men’s and how words are a form of foreplay for women. Men need to understand that women need to hear actual words of appreciation and love to believe it is true, and to hear them daily.

Wow this is from, read more here

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