Saturday, 17 January 2015

Saturday: Sweet Time With Jesus

You are a Sign and Wonder

Isaiah 8:18
Behold, I and the whom the LORD hath given me for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of host, which dwelleth in mount Zion.

It is God’s desire that everyone He created flow in a life of signs and wonders, Isaiah looked at himself through the eyes of revelation and said that he was made for signs and wonders. He knew he would misrepresent God’s original purpose if he lived a life of frustration. You need to become aware of the nature of God planted in you at creation for signs and wonders. You were created by God to live above nature and natural circumstances.

Lets look at several truths that should remind you that you were created for a life of signs and wonders.

- Your natural creation was a miracle, a wonder. God turned dust to flesh, sand to man. That is a wondrous miracle. That wonder breath of God that turned dust to man is still at work in you . in Psalm 8:5, the bibles say, “Yet you have made him a little lower than God and you have crowned him with glory and honour” (AMP). You were created and crowned with glory and honour. Live like a wonder after God’s order.

- Your new birth was an even greater wonder. Beloved, God donated a spiritual DNA, a divine incorruptible seed, to give birth to you. In 1 peter 1:23, the Bible says, “for you have been born again not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God”. By the seed of God in you, Child of God, you are a partaker of God’s divine wonder nature. Stop looking at your life from the outward, look at yourself from the living word of God.

Friends, your creator is a wonder. Your natural creation was a wonder. Your new birth was equally a wonder. You cannot fail. Every seed reproduces after its kind.

Prayer: Father, You created me for signs and wonders. Let my life reflect signs and wonders.

Amen !!!!

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