Monday, 26 January 2015

Monday: Sweet Time With Jesus

Be A Willing Giver

Isaiah 1:19
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.

Beloved, God does not just love givers; He loves those who give willingly. Your willingness talks about the attitude with which you give to God. A willing giver does not need any form of persuasion or manipulation to give. He is a tireless giver, one who is always excited at any opportunity to give to God. It doesn't matter if he had given previously; he is ever ready and willing to give again
From our text today, we discover that it takes the combination of willingness and obedience for harvest to be guaranteed. In fact, it is willingness that qualifies obedience for reward, because obedience can be done grudgingly.

In Exodus 25:2, God commanded Moses to collect offering only from people who gave willingly. “speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering, of every man that giveth it willing with his heart”. Willingness will make you go the extra mile to give to God. God measures willingness; that was why Cain’s sacrifice was rejected while that of Abel was accepted.

Solomon willingly gave God one thousand burnt offerings and God woke him up in the night and offered him and open cheque. David was a willing giver; he refused to accept for free what he needed to offer sacrifice to God, because he wanted it to cost him something. The parameter that measures giving is willingness.

Make up your mind today , not just give, but to give willingly and excitedly.

Prayer : Lord, I receive the grace to give willingly, in Jesus ‘ name. Amen.

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