Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Wednesday: Sweet Time With Jesus

Rise Above Your Setbacks

1samuel 30:6,8
And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. And David inquired at the Lord, saying, shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them ? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

Beloved, what you can perceive while facing a setback determines how you react to it; and how you react determines whether you will come out of it or not. In Numbers 13:33, the children of Israel saw themselves as grasshoppers compared to the giants they faced in Canaan, so they all perished in the wilderness; except Joshua and Caleb who believed they could conquer the giants.

In our text today, David suffered a serious setback but he refused to react negatively like every other person, rather he “….. encouraged himself in the Lord….”

Let’s look at some reasons why you must rise above your setbacks.

- Your are not the first to suffer a setback and recover from it. Abraham suffered setback in finance, childbearing, marriage, but bounced back. Every challenge that comes to you is not meant to destroy you. You can rise above it.

- This is not the first setback you are surviving in your life. You have had other problems but you came out of them. The Ziklag situation was not the first setback David had survived; he had faith that if God helped him before, He will help him again. It is sad to say that many people only remember the bad things that happened in the past and not the victories of yesterday.

- Setbacks are part of the success journey. So whenever you meet a setback, it does not mean the journey is over, it is one of the experiences that will equip you with the testimonies that will help other people,

Prayer : Lord, I refuse to be depressed. I rise above every setback in my life in Jesus name ……

Amen !!!

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