Saturday, 24 January 2015

Saturday; Sweet Time With Jesus

Created to Add Values to Others

John 10:10
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Jesus is our model and example in the manner of men we ought to be. The first man was created in the image and likeness of God; and as God turned a formless and empty planet into a place of habitation and beauty, so God blessed man to replenish and add values to the earth.

Every Christian must be a person that adds value to others like Jesus Christ. Your life ought to be a light to guide and direct others unto greater success. You are the sail of the earth, to give taste, sweetness and preservation to creation around you. Two important questions to ask yourself:

- Are you living a life of value and impact that will make you a model to others?

- Are you living a life of care and contribution, which will make you a blessing to others?

How to live a life that adds value:

- Be a picture of God’s best, that He planned for man in Christ Jesus.

- Be a testimony of the blessings and benefits of loving and serving God.

- Do something that will add progress and profit to everyone that meets you.

- Do your best to build up others around you, with the potentials God has put inside you.

- Live a life that gives hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and vision to the visionless.

Live to make your world a better place.

Prayer: Lord, use me to pour out the best that you have in store for me. Usa me to add value and profit to others.

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