Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Wednesday: Sweet Time With Jesus

Unstoppable Through Payers

James 5:17
“Elias was a man subject to like passion as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it did not rain…”

Anyone who desire to command unstoppable result with God must make prayer a lifestyle. Prayer is one of keys that moves the supernatural hand of God in the affairs of men. In our text today, Elijah used the instrument of prayer to change the atmospheric condition of Israel. If things must change for you, you must develop a vibrant and consistent prayer life. Prayer is more than a religious activity, it is a tool used to enforce the will of God on earth.

Let’s consider some truths on prayer:

- Prayer must be pursued before it can be possessed: A vibrant prayer life must be pursued. In Luke 11:1, the bible says concerning Jesus’ disciples, “And it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him Lord, tech us to pray….” It was not Jesus that went after his disciples to teach them how to pray, they came to him to learn the act of prayer. You are not qualified to receive anything from God until your heart desperately desires it.

- Prayer must be taught: If people must learn to pray they must be taught to pray. It is possible to waste your prayer time if you don’t know the rudiments of prayer. Jesus took time to teach his disciples how to pray because prayer has rules that must be followed.

- Prayer must be practiced: “When ye pray, say….. Luke 11:2. Don’t just talk about prayer, practice it. Don’t just fix time for prayer, make sure you keep to it. Until prayer is practiced, it cannot be productive. Don’t turn off your alarm when it reminds you of your prayer time. Discipline yourself to follow your daily schedule of prayer.

Prayer : Lord, I receive grace to be consistent in prayer, in Jesus name…..

Amen !!!

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