Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Wednesday: Sweet Time With Jesus

The Power of Prayer and Fasting 1

Joel 1:14
Sanctity ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord.

Fasting and prayer is an instruction of God. Assembling God’s people to fast and pray is not another church activity; God is giving His people a strategy that has dealings with man. Withdrawing yourself from God’s call to pray and fast is, therefore disobeying the God who knows all about you and in whose hand your future lies. But setting yourself apart in the sanctification of fasting has power, and profit that can’t be measured.

- Prayer and fasting brings the benefit of spiritual visitations into manifestation. Elijah had to engage this key for God’s promise of rain to manifest in Samaria (1 Kings 18:42).

- It is a necessary preparation for new levels of destiny manifestation. Whenever Moses needed to enter a higher level of destiny manifestation, he went on a season of prayer and fasting. The bible says in Matthew 4:2, “Jesus prepared for the test by fasting forty days and forty nights….” (Message Bible). That passage concludes; “The test was over. The devil left. And in his place, angels! Angels came and took care of Jesus needs” (verse 11). That is the power of prayer and fasting.

- Spiritual power for spiritual productivity is generated through prayer and fasting. It is like fuel needed to drive the potentials you are laden with unto productivity. Fasting provides the level of fervency required by your prayer for the generation of tremendous power that is dynamic in its working (James 5:16).

Beloved , never ignore an opportunity to fast and pray.

Prayer: Lord, I receive grace to fast and pray with results in Jesus name....

Amen !!!

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