Monday, 16 March 2015

Monday: Sweet Time With Jesus

Desire God’s Grace

1 Corinthians 15:10
but by the grace of God, I am what I am: and his grace which was given to me has not been for nothing; for I did more work than all of them; though not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

Grace is the generous supply of God’s supernatural power, ability and virtue to a child of God. It was grace that made it possible for you to get saved, born again and made righteous before God. It is also grace that enables a life of service to God. From our scripture above, lets bring out four revelations about the grace of God

- Grace is not manufactured, it is bestowed. It is an endowment from God to a man . God being the supplier, man being the user. Apostle Paul said; “… His grace which was bestowed upon me ….”.

- Grace comes upon you to aid you in destiny. It accompanies you in destiny. In Jesus’ life and ministry, it is recorded that He did exploits because he carried grace. He was; “… full of grace and truth”(John 1:14).

- Grace can be transformed. That is why you can desire the grace of God. When God saw Joshua’s heart for service, he instructed Moses; “…. Lay thine hand upon him,…. Put some of thine honour upon him…” (Numbers 17:18,20). What works for your spiritual father can work in your life too.

- Grace can be frustrated. Paul said that he worked extra-hard to ensure that the grace he had received was not in vain. You can even hear the humility in his assertion: “…. Yet not I, but the grace of God….” And it takes humility to get the grace of God. It also takes humility to keep the grace of God. To grow in grace also takes humility.

I charge you to humbly desire God’s grace so you can live your life to the fullest.

Prayer: Lord, I thirst for more of You. I am not sufficient on my own; pour out Your grace into my              life in Jesus name ........

Amen !!!

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