Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Tuesday: Sweet time With Jesus

It is Time to Repent

Acts 17:30
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

The Christian race begins with repentance. Everyone is born into this world as a sinner. This means that when we were born, we inherited the nature of sin. So there is the need to repent.

God commands all men everywhere to repent. He is not trying to suggest it to you . It is not God’s will for anyone to perish. He wants all people to come to repentance. The question now is, have you obeyed the command to repent?

To repent means to make a change for the better as a result of remorse or contrition for one’s sin. It means to see your sins through God’s eyes and turn to God for his forgiveness, mercy and salvation. “If you cover your sins, you will not prosper” (Proverbs 28:13). It is time to return to God in repentance. He love you and wants to give you a brand new beginning. In faith, receive God’s love and forgiveness. He is faithful and just to forgive anyone that comes to Him in faith. Ask Jesus to come into your life and be your Lord and Saviour. He will come in and save you. After you have repented, preach to someone else about the love of Jesus and lead them to pray the sinner’s prayer.

Repentance is God’s mercy to mankind. Do not turn your back on this command today.

Prayer: Lord, I am sorry for my sins, please forgive me. Jesus I receive You today as my personal Lord and Saviour. Thank You , Lord for saving me today, I am born again

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