Monday, 2 March 2015

Monday: Sweet Time with Jesus

Desire Great Increase

Psalm 71:21
Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.

Many people are limited in life not because God is limited; but because they do not know how much God can bless and enlarge them. God cannot increase you beyond your desire and capacity to receive from Him. The Psalmist in our text had great desire for increase “Thou shalt increase my greatness”. He knew without any doubt that God can and will increase him. Psalm 37:4 tells us that God only grants what our heart truly desires and believes. Present before God a burning desire and faith to receive. Give no place in your heart for worry, murmuring and complaining. Use your heart to believe for increase.

The shunamite woman thought she was great enough. One day Elisha came to her house and asked what God can do for her as a blessing for her faithful service; she said “I am perfectly content” (2 Kings 4:13 TLB). She thought she had all she needed, but she forgot she did not have a child. She overlooked her barrenness. By Gehazi’s suggestion, Elisha prophesied fruitfulness upon her; she became pregnant and had a son.

Her encounter with Elisha changed her level. It is possible to step up in greatness. God wants to increase your greatness on every side. Open your heart and spirit to receive more from God. God wants you to be a blessing to others. Your cup must run over with blessings. You have to do more for the house of God, your family and society. Be like Abraham; increase in greatness and be a blessing to others.

Prayer: O God, I desire to be a channel of blessing to others. Increase my greatness on every side in Jesus name ...
Amen !!!

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