Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Sweet Time With Jesus

Live A life of Honour
1 samuel 9:6
And he said unto him, Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he saith cometh surely to pass: now let us go thither; peradventure he can shew us our way that we should go.

 It takes living a life of honour to enjoy promotion in life. You are not permitted to enjoy the high places of life if you refuse to live honourably. Daniel decided not to pollute himself with food from the kings table and ended up ten times better than those that were living in compromise.

Let us look at some ways through which Samuel enjoyed national influence and honour.
He separated himself from all compromise: Refuse to be counted among those who compromise their faith. Eli’s sons where living in sin and compromise but Samuel chose to live holy for God. Separation from iniquity will ultimately attract prosperity and promotion.

He served and obeyed the call of God: The call of God and services to God will bring you promotion- “If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity…..” (Job 36:11). When you serve God’s house, God services your life.
The way to lasting and meaningful honour is service. Until you see what you can do to make God’s house better, God will not make your life better.

He was sold out to a life of impact: A life of convenience holds no value to destiny. Honourable men don’t settle for a life of convenience; they serve others sacrificially.
Samuel was strong in the word and power of God: He had depth of character and spirituality. Don’t settle for carnality and mediocrity. Shallowness in the things of God leads to instability and frustration. Until Peter launched into the deep, his boat remained empty.

Prayer : Lord, I surrender completely and totally to you. Deliver me from compromise and instability.

Father deliver me from compromise and instability in Jesus... Amen !!! Whats your prayer

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