Thursday, 2 April 2015

Thursday: Sweet Time With Jesus

The Power of Vows

Genesis 28:20,22
‘‘And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, if God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go….And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house and all of that thou shalt give me, will surely give the tenth unto thee’’

A vow is a sacred promise made to God from a man’s heart. It is binding commitment made to God out of a man’s spirit. When you want to show God how set your heart is, you make Him a vow. A vow is a man coming to God with a solemn words that express the faith in his heart. In Genesis 31:13, God said to Jacob, ‘‘I am the God of Bethel, where thou anointedst the pillar, and where thou vowest a vow unto me…’’ God repeated Jacob’s here to let Jacob know that He takes note of vows. God did not say I am the God of bethel where you saw angels and a ladder whose top reached to the heavens. As awesome as the spiritual encounter was at Bethel, What God remembered was the vow Jacob made. What you get out of divine visitations, is a direct product of how respond to them. Jacob refused to allow the excitement of seeing angels distract him; he tied down the encounter with a vow.

What does a vow do for a man?

It provokes divine remembrance and reward.

It provokes urgent intervention- How urgently you want the miracle will show in the magnitude of your vow in Jonah2:9-10. Immediately Jonah made a vow to God, the fish vomited him. If you want poverty to vomit you, vow a vow. There are prayers that might never be answered until you add a vow to it.

It commands sudden deliverance.

It establishes the reality of divine encounters. Divine encounters translate into confirmed miracle package when they are tied down with vows.

Prayer: Lord I Take deliberate steps to redeem every vow I made to You in Jesus name.

Amen !!!!

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